If you’re craving cake, not carrots…

It happens to us all—you’re going along on a new diet or nutrition plan, doing well, and then, BAM. You get a craving.

What do you do?

Here’s one technique to get around those nasty cravings.

First, satisfy it. That’s right. Not with cake or donuts, if it’s sugar you’re craving. Be creative—think of some healthy alternatives, like watermelon. Indulge in it, if you want—have lots! Watermelon has some sugar, but it’s natural sugar, and a whole lot of water, plus nutrients like vitamins A, B1, B6, C, and lycopene, which is fantastic for your heart. (In fact, watermelon has been called one of the healthiest foods in the world—read more here). So, you’re getting that sweetness, and you’re not putting processed or empty calories in your body.

Then, examine what it was your body wanted. Was your body really, physically craving sugar? Or were you emotionally craving it?

What would you be covering up right now if you indulged in the original craving?

What if you just dealt with it?

It’s so easy to give in to those emotional cravings—so often we use food as comfort, not fuel, but that doesn’t solve the problem. It just covers it up and fills your body with things that aren’t serving you. If you can identify what the root of that problem is, you can be a lot more productive—and a lot healthier.

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