I often talk about the magic of movement. I love exercise - so much so that I built my whole business on it! - so I see that magic everyday, both in the latest research and also in watching my clients break through barriers and achieve their goals. I can tell you from experience: movement is nothing short of magical.
Now I realize that not everyone, okay, there are a lot of people who do not share that perspective. Some of you may be thinking, What's so great about moving? I get it's good for you, but "magical"? Really? Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?
Well, maybe not.
I truly believe, in my heart of hearts, that movement is one of the most powerful and underutilized mindset tools there is. And guess what...science confirms it!
Here are 3 powerful reasons you need movement to manifest your goals faster and easier (and yes, you might even have more fun!)
1. Every single system in your...
I confess, I’m a “goal geek” and I still passionately look forward to making New Year’s Resolutions. Why? Because I love to curl up on my couch with a crackling fire and hot cup of coffee to just let myself dream. It feels freeing, light, full of hope and inspiration. Now I know that you can create your life anytime you want. But there is something about this time of year that gives me full, unadulterated permission to wipe the slate clean and just start fresh.
People often ask, “How do you stick to those resolutions? I start inspired and focused but never follow through.” Full disclosure, there have been plenty of times, that by January 17th, the average day most people abandon their newfound goals, I have fallen off the wagon too.
But I have learned, in order to make New Year’s Resolutions work….these 5 things must happen.
1. Resolve - Resolution comes from the root word resolve, defined by good ‘ol webster...
How falling in love (with yourself!) will help jumpstart your goal
I read an article once where Sigourney Weaver told about a time she was in an acting class. Looking around, she thought, “I feel so sorry for all these people. They’re not going to make it, and I am.”
Soon after I read that, I was in an acting class myself, and I sure as hell did not feel that way. But, I admired the strength and confidence she must have had, to believe that. I didn’t think she said it in a mean way – it wasn’t like “They suck and I’m awesome.” It was just a belief she had, a sense of certainty that she’d succeed. And she was right. (At least, I’m guessing the rest of the group didn’t all go on to win Oscars).
But that day in my own class, I looked around and thought, Wow, these people are so talented. How on earth am I ever going to make it?
And that troubled me. I knew that if that was the belief I carried around me, my results...
Have you ever felt stuck? Stressed? Like you could really use a mindset reset?
Millions of people wake up every morning, less than thrilled about the day ahead of them. Many even dread it. They drag themselves through their routine. They're tired, depressed, and they feel like happiness and fulfillment have passed them by.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Every minute of every day, you have the choice to take control of your life. You can step out of “stuck” and into the flow. You can redirect the course of your life, so it's one that makes you jump out of bed in the morning.
Don't believe me?
Neither did Ellen, at first. When I met Ellen, she was making her way up the corporate ladder at a wealth management firm here in Manhattan. She was successful in her career – she even had an office with a breathtaking view of the city – but the rest of her life , well, it left a lot to be desired.
Her marriage was in shambles. She was so tired all the time,...
How to get a success mindset? If you're wondering this, chances are you've got a big idea or goal in mind. I have a hunch that you've got something special in mind...and you're on the track by looking for ways to step into a success mindset!
Maybe you have an idea for starting a new business, or you felt a glimmer of inspiration for a new creative project. Or you’re finally ready to do that thing you’ve been saying you’re going to do for, I don’t know, ever.
Let me guess. At first, there was a lot of excitement. I’m gonna DO this! This time, it’s gonna work!
But maybe the excitement has worn off, and now you don't know where to start. You're standing at your desk or your whiteboard or your kitchen table, suddenly faced with all the million overwhelming tasks you need to do to make that goal a reality.
Now what?
I've been there. (Who hasn't?) Especially for creative types who like to think big, that transition from "big idea" to "let's...
Many, many people I meet tell me they have doubts about manifesting. “If it’s as simple as it sounds,” they say, “why isn’t it working? I visualize what I want, but then nothing happens.”
That can be so frustrating. I get it because I’ve been there. The good news is, the reasons that manifesting doesn’t seem to “work” are pretty simple – and once you understand them, you can fix them.
The 3 biggest reasons why people aren't manifesting what they want boils down to these:
You’ve got to connect with your inner why. Why is that thing so...
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