
coaching mindset moticise May 28, 2014

Have you ever taken the time to envision your ideal life? Where you’re happy, successful, fulfilled, at peace, around the people you want to be around, where you’re fit enough to enjoy it? Where you have enough energy?

I’ve always been passionate about visualizing. One day last winter, I was on a treadmill, and watching some really bad morning television, when it hit me—I could be using this time better.

I wanted to bring in my vision board and prop it up on the treadmill, so I could look at that while I ran. It’s huge, though—I store it under my bed—so I didn’t think it was really appropriate to carry it to the gym with me. So instead, I imagined it—all the inspiring images I’d put on it, all the places I wanted to go and the things I wanted to do. And you know what? It was incredibly motivating!

That’s how I got the idea for Moticise – Motivational Exercise. It’s a fitness program that integrates mindset tools like visualizing, goal-setting, and affirmations, with cardio exercise. It made sense to me for a lot of reasons—one, that it’s fun. (I love working out.) Two, as it turns out, there’s plenty of research that proves the effectiveness of combining the two. Three, it helps you get in shape, and it helps you get closer to that ideal life.

I’m so excited to announce that the DVD, Mindset Reset, will launch later this month. Be sure to sign up before June 15th to receive the special deal of 25% off. In the meantime, though, it’s never too early to start visualizing…so, what’s in your ideal life?

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