Creating a Habit: Just Put Your Shoes On

I have a friend from NSA named Jim Cathcart. Once upon a time, he’d been very overweight and he wanted to start running. Now, he hated running, he hated every bit of it—but, he knew, it was going to be a critical component of his weight loss program.

So what he decided to do was this: just put on his sneakers, everyday, and go to the corner. That’s it. If he wanted to go further, he could, but if he didn’t, all he had to do was put on his socks and shoes and run to the corner and come back. His wife asked why he didn’t just run 1 mile or a set distance everyday. He responded, ‘Because I know I won’t do that but I know I can commit to going to the corner.’

He joked about it—one time, he was actually in a tuxedo going to some event, but he hadn’t done this yet. So, as his wife is yelling ‘Come on, we gotta go!’ he actually yelled back, ‘No! I have to put on my sneakers and run to the corner...

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Point Your Boat at the Little Red House

adventure goals moticise Jun 25, 2014

During one of the Moti-adventures, I led a group of women kayaking to the Statue of Liberty. The workshop was about riding the currents of your life, and breaking our goals down into milestones.

As we got started, we could see the Statue of Liberty, and it looked so far away. Our kayaks felt so tiny—it was a little ominous; even I as the leader was like, oh my gosh, how are we going to make this happen?

The first thing the instructor told us was, don’t look at the Statue of Liberty. You know it’s there, you’ve seen it; you know that’s the goal; now let’s break it down. Our first destination is going to be that little red brick house on the other side of the river. Keep the tip of your boat focused on that house. And just paddle until you get there.

So that’s how we overcame that fear that arises when you’re starting something new. It can be scary, to look at your goal, your end point, maybe your whole dream vision. You might think, but...

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Build the Castle First...

coaching mindset moticise Jun 18, 2014

When Walt Disney first had the idea of Disneyland, everyone thought he was crazy. People said it was impossible to build this theme park, because it was astronomically expensive, and completely new, like nothing that had been built before. So one of the first things he had the workers build was the castle.

His reasoning was, if you have this big beautiful castle that people can see, it’s going to galvanize them. They’re going to see it and get excited; they’re going to wonder what else he could do. It spreads magic. It spreads excitement, intrigue, energy, momentum—it gets people to see the potential. It also kept the workers motivated, because they saw how incredible this one aspect of his vision was. Brilliant!

I love that concept, so when I started creating Moticise, I kept thinking, what is my castle... and how can I build that first?

Well, Moticise isn’t just an exercise program. It’s a lifestyle in which you get really, really...

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coaching mindset moticise May 28, 2014

Have you ever taken the time to envision your ideal life? Where you’re happy, successful, fulfilled, at peace, around the people you want to be around, where you’re fit enough to enjoy it? Where you have enough energy?

I’ve always been passionate about visualizing. One day last winter, I was on a treadmill, and watching some really bad morning television, when it hit me—I could be using this time better.

I wanted to bring in my vision board and prop it up on the treadmill, so I could look at that while I ran. It’s huge, though—I store it under my bed—so I didn’t think it was really appropriate to carry it to the gym with me. So instead, I imagined it—all the inspiring images I’d put on it, all the places I wanted to go and the things I wanted to do. And you know what? It was incredibly motivating!

That’s how I got the idea for Moticise – Motivational Exercise. It’s a fitness program that integrates mindset...

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